Great work + great culture.
Creating better workplaces
Trive offers consultation, facilitation and tools for organizations, teams and leaders looking for:
Happier employees.
Increased productivity.
Higher retention.
Boosted bottom line.
A modern approach
Trive was founded in 2012 to equip organizations with proven tools and guidance for the new workplace. At Trive, we believe that great workplaces are built around interpersonal awareness, skilled teamwork, and a clear culture.
Our tools include assessments, certifications, facilitator kits, workshops and consultation backed by Everything DiSC®, Patrick Lencioni, and PXT Select™.
The Trive Story
With a decade in leadership and business consulting experience across Europe and the US, and moving his family across the Atlantic to Norway (and back again!), Ole Rygg decided that he had run out of excuses to not pursue his longtime dream of starting a business of his own. So in 2012, Corporate Elements was born!
Starting a business is rarely a straight line process, and Corporate Elements was no exception. Over the next few years, Ole built the business with HR, organizational development and business consulting to organizations in the Upper Midwest.
In 2017, Ole decided to build on his background as a cultural anthropologist and focus the business more on organizational culture, leadership, and teamwork. Corporate Elements rebranded as Trive, which originates from old Norse and means to ‘firmly grasp, grow and flourish.’
Ole also expanded the toolkits to include Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors®, and later PXT Select® and Working Genius®.
Now, in 2022, it is more evident than ever that change, both in the world as a whole and in organizations, is a constant. And organizational leadership, culture, and teamwork is critically important in every organization.
We’re excited that Laura Caroon joined Trive in May to support our mission to bring great work and a great culture to organizations everywhere.
We are incredibly fortunate in being able to work with the best of the best, with leaders and employers like you that make organizational health and growth a strategic priority.
Great work requires great leadership.
It's time to get a firm grip on organizational culture and to define and manage your culture as a strategic leadership priority. It's time to grow people's talent and abilities, remove barriers to their success, and give them the skills and work environment they need to achieve more and get better results.
When Trive works with your leadership team, we help you:
Examine the way you lead, work and communicate
Form or strengthen a cohesive leadership team
Create a clear strategic playbook of priorities and actions
Reinforce your strategy in people, systems and processes
Great work requires great teamwork.
Trive helps people achieve the awareness, skills, and behaviors to collaborate effectively to overcome barriers and work together for a shared purpose.
Trive offers group training and workshops to help your team:
Build trust between people and groups
Communicate more effectively
Reduce negative conflict
Have purposeful meetings
Make better decisions
Create higher accountability
Build organizational stewardship and results